Catalogo Wow Italy

WOWè lanostra vitaquotidiana all’aperto. OURDAILY rappresenta il nostro impegno quotidianoper la qualità dei nostri prodotti. Ogni giorno cerchiamo soluzioni emateriali eco-friendly per i nostri divani, senza rinunciare al comfort e alla qualità WOW. OUTDOORLIFE è il luogo ideale per i nostri divani, progettati per vivere all’aperto, in armonia con la natura. Questo è il nostro impegno: contribuire a rendere WOW l'outdoor life dei nostri clienti. WOW is our daily outdoor life. OURDAILY represents our daily commitment to the quality of our products. Every day, we seek eco-friendly solutions and materials for our sofas, without compromising on comfort and WOW quality. OUTDOORLIFE is the ideal place for our sofas, designed to be enjoyed outdoors, in harmony with nature. This is our commitment: to help make our customers' outdoor life WOW.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life 2

The New Sofas 4 MODULOR 14 DOKU 26 LOB The Aluminium Sofas 42 APP 50 NEWPLATFORM 68 PLATÒ The Free Sofas 78 FREESTYLE 86 STAGE 94 FLY STAGE 98 GOCÀ The Other WOWs 108 GETA sofa 114 MARELLA sofa 118 REST sunbed 120 DOT easy chair 122 BUTTON sofa The Accessories 124 STONES pouf 130 WOWs pouf 134 DISCO large tray 138 VUVU coffee tables 142 JIM coffee table 146 PADEL service table 148 TREBLÉ coffee table 150 SNAP low tables 156 Technical Informations 174 Cushions Guide

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MODULOR 2024 4

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MODULOR Novelty VUVU Coffee Table 6

BANDOLERO Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MODULOR Novelty JIM Side Table 8

GARDEN BOUCLÈ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MODULOR MODULOR Dormeuse with COMBO cushion 10

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MODULOR Novelty DISCO Large Tray 12

Novelty RIVIERA RITZ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOKU 2024 14

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOKU Novelty RIVIERA BOUCLÉ Fabric Collection 16

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOKU Novelty VUVU Coffee Table 18

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOKU 20

FORMENTERA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOKU 22

Novelty ROUND Cushion

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOKU 24

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 2024 26

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB Novelty RIVIERA STRIPE Fabric Collection 28


WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB Novelty RIVIERA STRIPE Fabric Collection 30

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 32

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 34

GARDEN BOUCLÈ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 36

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 38

SUNBRELLA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 40

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP studiolucianobertoncini 2024 42

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP CreamWhite Aluminum Frame GARDEN PLAIN Fabric Collection 44

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP 46

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life APP SNAP Low Table CreamWhite Aluminum Frame 48

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM studiolucianobertoncini 2023 50

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM Nuovemisure, nuove cuciture, nuovi tessuti outdoor da fibre riciclate, e tre nuovi set di cuscini per ogni scelta di comfort! Newmeasurements, new seams, new recycled outdoor textiles, and three new set of cushions to enjoy your choice of comfort! 52

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM 54

Novelty RIVIERA STRIPE Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM SNAP Low Table Agata Grey Aluminum Frame 56

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM 58

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM 60

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life CreamWhite Aluminum Frame JIMMIZ Fabric Collection NEWPLATFORM 62

BOXED Cushions FORMENTERA Fabric Collection Anthracite Grey Aluminum Frame

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM 64

BOXED with ROLL Cushion GARDEN BOUCLÉ Fabric Collection Anthracite Grey Aluminum Frame

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM 66

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ studiolucianobertoncini 2023 Un ampio plateau imbottito su cui sdraiarsi un ampio bracciolo da cui guardare il cielo ovunque tu sia, sempre sul nostro telaioWOW in alluminio. Wide upholstered plateau to lie down, wide low armrests to gaze at the sky, wherever you are, always on our WOWaluminum frame. 68

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ Anthracite Grey Aluminum Frame FORMENTERA Fabric Collection 70

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ 72

PLATÒ Left End with Dormeuse Anthracite Grey Aluminum Frame GARDEN BOUCLÉ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ 74

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ 76

PLATÒ Left Side Table with Dormeuse Anthracite Grey Aluminum Frame SNAP Low Tables withWooden Planks Top

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE 2020 78

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE 80

SUNBRELLA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE 82

FREESTYLE Island Left and Island Right with 2 Movable Backrests SUNBRELLA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life Il sistemaWOWdi schienali mobili e le forme poligonali FREESTYLE consentono di creare liberamente composizioni per ogni esigenza outdoor, in perfetto stile libero. TheWOWsystemof movable backrests and FREESTYLE polygonal shapes allows you to freely create compositions for any outdoor need, in perfect free style. FREESTYLE 84

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STAGE 2016 86

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STAGE 88

Novelty RIVIERA BOUCLÉ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STAGE 90

Gli schienali mobili WOWsu grandi forme rettangolari possonomettere in scenamolteplici storie outdoor. TheWOWmovable backrests on large rectangular shapes can stage different outdoor stories.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STAGE 92

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FLY STAGE 2016 94

Un’elegante base a slitta rende le grandi forme rettangolari dello Stage leggere e volanti. An elegant sled basemakes the large rectangular shapes of the Stage light and flying.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FLY STAGE 96

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ 2023 98

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ 100

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ 102

FORMENTERA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ 104

GARDEN BOUCLÈ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ 106

GOCÀ Peninsula Left and Island 240 with 3 GOCÀ Movable Backrests

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GETA 2020 108

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GETA 110

Una base in legno sostiene elementi imbottiti che possono essere composti in varie configurazioni, Geta è il tradizionale zoccolo giapponese. Awooden base supports upholstered elements that can be composed in various configurations, Geta is the traditional Japanese sandal.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GETA 112

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MARELLA 2022 114

SUNBRELLA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MARELLA 116

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life REST sunbed 2019 118

La forma delle onde del mare, lo schienale reclinabile e il relax sono gli elementi distintivi del lettino Rest. The shape of sea waves, the reclining backrest, and relaxation are the defining elements of the Rest sunbed.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DOT easy chair studiolucianobertoncini 2022 120

SUNBRELLA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life BUTTON sofa 2019 SUNBRELLA Fabric Collection 122

La libertà dello schienalemobile curvato rende questo grande bottone un protagonista outdoor. The freedomof the curvedmobile backrest makes this large button an outdoor protagonist.

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STONES pouf 2016 124

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STONES pouf 126

Come sassi levigati dallo scorrere dell’acqua, i pouf Stones sono forme tondeggianti realizzate conmateriali adatti alla vita outdoor. Like stones smoothed by the flowof water, poufs Stones are rounded shapes made of materials suitable for outdoor life. BANDOLERO Fabric Collection Novelty RIVIERA Fabric Collection JIMMIZ Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life STONES pouf Le forme tonde più grandi diventano divani grazie allo schienalemobileWOW. The larger round shapes become sofas thanks to theWOWmobile backrest. 128

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life WOWs pouf 2024 130

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life WOWs pouf 132

Novelty RIVIERA Fabric Collection

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life studiolucianobertoncini 2024 DISCO large tray 134

Anthracite Grey Aluminum

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life DISCO large tray 136

CreamWhite Aluminum

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life VUVU coffee tables studiolucianobertoncini 2024 138

Round VUVU Anthracite Grey Aluminum

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life VUVU coffee tables Square VUVU CreamWhite Aluminum 140

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life studiolucianobertoncini 2024 JIM side table 142

JIM Size Mwith CreamWhite Aluminum Top and Agata Grey Aluminum Legs JIM Size L with Agata Grey Aluminum Top and CreamWhite Aluminum Legs

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life JIM side table 144

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life studiolucianobertoncini 2024 PADEL service table 146

CreamWhite Aluminum

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life TREBLÉ side table studiolucianobertoncini 2024 148

CreamWhite Aluminum

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life SNAP low tables studiolucianobertoncini 2016 150

Anthracite Grey Aluminum 37 cmHeight

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life SNAP low tables 152

Il frassino termotrattato è un materiale naturale, ecosostenibile e adatto alla vita outdoor, il trattatamento termico con vapore, senza l’impiego di prodotti chimici, conferisce a questo legno, ampiamente diffuso in Europa, una eccellente durabilità e stabilità nell’uso outdoor. Thermo-treated ash is natural, eco-sustainable, and suitable for outdoor life, the thermal treatment with steam, without the use of chemical products, gives this wood, widely present in Europe, excellent durability and stability in outdoor use

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life SNAP low tables CreamWhite Aluminum 22 cmHeight 154

CreamWhite Aluminum 49 cmHeight

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life 156

WOWItaly sofascombinecomfort,designandadvancedmanufacturing technology, developed and refined over time. Each model is designed for outdoor use, with materials and finishes selected to ensure optimal performance in outdoor environments. The frames and cushions feature waterproof covers that protect the internal materials frommoisture and allow for rapid drying of both the cover and the external fabric. In case of extreme weather or periods of disuse, it is recommended to use the waterproof covers, available upon request, to best preserve the sofas' features. All WOWItaly sofas are completely removable. Technical Information I divani WOW Italy combinano comfort, design e una tecnologia manifatturiera avanzata, sviluppata e perfezionata nel tempo. Ogni modello è progettato per l'uso outdoor, con materiali e finiture selezionati per garantire prestazioni ottimali in ambienti esterni. Le strutture e i cuscini sono dotati di fodere impermeabili, che proteggono imateriali interni dall'umiditàeconsentonoun’asciugatura rapida sia della fodera che del rivestimento esterno. In caso di maltempo estremo o di periodi prolungati di inutilizzo, si consiglia l’uso delle nostre coperture, disponibili su richiesta, per preservare al meglio i vostri divani. Tutti i divani WOWItaly sono completamente sfoderabili. Informazioni Tecniche

29 54 38 67 67 29 54 38 67 67 WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MODULOR 2016 > 2024 LOW armrest MOD008 HIGH armrest MOD009 SEDUTE / SEATS MOD005 seat 180x65xHs38cm MOD002 seat 90x65xHs38cm MOD003 seat 130x65xHs38cm MOD004 seat 155x65xHs38cm MOD006 seat 90x90xHs38cm MOD007 seat 65x90xHs38cm BRACCIOLI / ARMRESTS MOD008 lowarmrest H54x28x93cm MOD009 higharmrest H67x28x93cm SCHIENALI / BACKRESTS ESEMPI DI CONFIGURAZIONI / CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES MOD010 backrest 65x28xH67cm MOD014 backrest 180x28xH67cm MOD011 backrest 90x28xH67cm MOD012 backrest 130x28xH67cm MOD013 backrest 155x28xH67cm MOD001 seat 65x65xHs38cm pag. 7 010 010 009 003 012 001 001 009 009 29 54 38 67 67 008 004 013 008 003 010 pag. 9 29 54 38 67 67 002 002 011 011 007 005 012 pag. 13 pag. 10 29 54 38 67 67 003 008 010 29 54 38 67 67 006 002 011 006 011 pag. 4 158

DOKU 2024 DOK001 sofa 240x100xHs38cm DOK002 sofa 200x100xHs38cm DOK003 sofa 160x100xHs38cm DOK005 sofa 240x100xHs38cm DOK006 sofa 200x100xHs38cm DOK007 sofa 160x100xHs38cm DOK004 armchair Ø80xHs38cm DOK008 pouf Ø80xHs38cm DOK009 pouf Ø65xHs38cm pag. 14

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life LOB 2024 LOB005 central 186x96xHs38cm LOB003 leftend 190x96xHs38cm LOB004 rightend 190x96xHs38cm LOB006 sofa 166x96xHs38cm LOB016 left 170x130xHs38cm LOB002 sofa 196x96xHs38cm LOB009 central 156x96xHs38cm LOB007 leftend 160x96xHs38cm LOB008 rightend 160x96xHs38cm LOB017 right 170x130xHs38cm LOB018 central 220x120xHs38cm LOB010 chaiselounge 96x160xHs38cm LOB019 pouf 65x90xHs38cm pag.36 pag.40 pag.41 pag.26 013 016 017 013 016 017 016 010 007 019 009 004 017 018 LOB001 sofa 226x96xHs38cm LOB011 leftend 142x96xHs38cm LOB014 central 90x96xHs38cm LOB012 rightend 142x96xHs38cm LOB013 central 136x96xHs38cm LOB015 corner 96x96xHs38cm ESEMPI DI CONFIGURAZIONI / CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES pag. 26 160

APP studiolucianobertoncini 2024 frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash Dogheinlegno/Woodenplanks APP001 sofa 225x90xHs40cm APP002 sofa 190x90xHs40cm APP003 armchair 95x90xHs40cm APP004 leftendwithrightsidetable 223x90xHs40cm APP005 rightendwithleftsidetable 223x90xHs40cm APP006 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm Tavolinointegratoinalluminio,verniciatonellostessocoloredellastruttura Sidetableinaluminum,powder-coatedinthesamecolorastheframe Tavolinointegratoindoghedi legno Sidetablewithwoodenplanks Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge pag. 42

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life NEWPLATFORM studiolucianobertoncini 2023 NPLA001 sofa 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA009 sofa 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA017 sofa 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA028 armchair 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA004 central 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA012 central 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA020 central 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA031 central 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA003 rightend 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA011 rightend 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA019 rightend 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA030 rightend 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA002 leftend 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA010 leftend 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA018 leftend 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA029 leftend 90x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA007 withleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA015 withleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA023 withleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA008 withleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA016 withleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA024 withleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA006 rightendwithleftsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA014 rightendwithleftsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA022 rightendwithleftsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA005 leftendwithrightsidetable 255x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA013 leftendwithrightsidetable 220x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA021 leftendwithrightsidetable 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA032 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm NPLA027 chaiselounge 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA025 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm NPLA026 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm pag. 50 162

CUS005 boxedcushion 50x50cm CUS006 boxedcushion 45x45cm CUS009 knife-edgecushion 60x45cm CUS008 boxedwithroll 65x50cm CUS007 boxedwithroll 75x50cm cusciniconsigliati perangoliedormeuse recommendedcushions forcornersanddormeuse CUS011 knife-edgecushion 60x60cm frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash Dogheinlegno/Woodenplanks Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge Tavolinointegratoinalluminio,verniciatonellostessocoloredellastruttura Sidetableinaluminum,powder-coatedinthesamecolorastheframe Tavolinointegratoindoghedi legno Sidetablewithwoodenplanks CUSCINI CONSIGLIATI NON INCLUSI / RECOMMENDED CUSHIONS NOT INCLUDED cuscini QUADRATI con FASCIA / BOXED cushions cuscini con RULLO / BOXED with ROLL cushions cuscini a SAPONETTA / KNIFE-EDGE cushions p. 63 p. 50 p. 65

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life PLATÒ studiolucianobertoncini 2023 PLO001 sofa 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO008 sofa 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO020 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm PLO002 leftend 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO009 leftend 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO015 leftend 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO003 rightend 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO010 rightend 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO016 rightend 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO007 leftsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO014 leftsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO006 rightsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO013 rightsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO004 leftendwithrightsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO011 leftendwithrightsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO005 rightendwithleftsidetable 255x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO012 rightendwithleftsidetable 220x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO018 leftsidetable 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO017 rightsidetable 185x90xH90,Hs40cm PLO019 dormeuse 185x90xH64,Hs40cm cuscinoperbracciolo CUS006 nonincluso cushionsforarmrest CUS006 not included cuscininoninclusi raccomandatiper laDORMEUSE not includedcushions butrecommendedforDORMEUSE CUS008 withbolster 65x50cm CUS011 soap-shapedcushion 60x60cm cuscini inclusi quantitàindicateneidisegni cushionsincluded quantitiesindicatedinthedrawings frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash Dogheinlegno/Woodenplanks Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge pag. 68 164

SNAP low tables studiolucianobertoncini 2016 SNA001 36x72cm H22/37/49cm SNA002 36x90cm H22/37/49cm SNA003 36x126cm H22/37/49cm SNA004 72x72cm H22/37/49cm SNA005 90x90cm H22/37/49cm SNA006 72x126cm H22/37/49cm SNA001 36x72cm H23/38/50cm SNA002 36x90cm H23/38/50cm SNA003 36x126cm H23/38/50cm SNA004 72x72cm H23/38/50cm SNA005 90x90cm H23/38/50cm SNA006 72x126cm H23/38/50cm altezzetavolinidisponibli availablestablesheight H 49 cm adattoalservizio servicetable H 37 cm latodivano sidetable H 22 cm tavolinobasso coffeetable frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash Dogheinlegno/Woodenplanks Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge pag. 150

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life FREESTYLE FREE001 island 186x96xHs38cm FREE007 island 96x96xHs38cm FREE006 islandright 170x125xHs38cm FREE005 islandleft 170x125xHs38cm FREE003 island 96x96xHs38cm FREE011 central /chaiselounge 220x120xHs38cm FREE002 island 156x96xHs38cm il codice si riferisce solo alla seduta / code refers to seat only pag.78 005 006 A01 A01 pag.79 005 007 A02 A01 011 006 A02 pag.81 005 006 A01 A01 pag.84 001 A02 011 A02 007 2020 cuscininoninclusi raccomandati not includedbut recommendedcushions CUS002 cushion 50x50cm ESEMPI DI CONFIGURAZIONI / CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES MVB-A01 backrest 65x32xH32cm MVB-A02 backrest 85x32xH32cm MVB-A03 cornerbackrest 80x80xH32cm MVB-A04 curvedbackrest 65x32xH32cm SCHIENALI MOBILI / MOVABLE BACKRESTS pag. 78 166

FLY00 2 island 180x105xHs40cm FLY003 island 210x105xHs40cm FLY004 island 240x105xHs40cm FLY001 island 150x105xHs40cm STA001 island 105x105xHs40cm STA003 island 180x105xHs40cm STA004 island 210x105xHs40cm STA005 island 240x105xHs40cm STA002 island 150x105xHs40cm STAGE & FLY STAGE STAGE FLY STAGE 2016 cuscininoninclusi raccomandati not includedbut recommendedcushions CUS002 soap-shaped 50x50cm Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge MVB-A01 backrest 65x32xH32cm MVB-A02 backrest 85x32xH32cm MVB-A03 cornerbackrest 80x80xH32cm MVB-A04 curvedbackrest 65x32xH32cm SCHIENALI MOBILI / MOVABLE BACKRESTS il codice si riferisce solo alla seduta / code refers to seat only il codice si riferisce solo alla seduta / code refers to seat only pag. 86

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life GOCÀ 2023 GOC004 island 120x120xHs42cm GOC005 island 180x120xHs42cm GOC006 island 240x120xHs42cm GOC001 island 105x105xHs42cm GOC002 island 150x105xHs42cm GOC003 island 180x105xHs42cm GOC010 peninsularight 130x180xHs42cm GOC011 roundpouf Ø105xHs42cm GOC012 roundpouf Ø120 xHs42cm GOC007 leftend 130x160xHs42cm GOC008 rightend 130x160xHs42cm GOC009 peninsulaleft 130x180xHs42cm MVB-C02 movablebackrest 105x28xH34cm MVB-C01 movablebackrest 80x28xH34cm MVB-D01 movablebackrest Ø23x50cm MVB-C03 movablebackrest 105x28xH34cm 105 105 CUS011 soap-shapedcushion 60x60cm CUS005 squaredcushion 50x50cm schienalimobiliperGOCA GOCAmovablebacks Gambeinacciaioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedsteel legs RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey C01 C01 C01 D01 CUS011 C01 CUS011 CUS011 CUS011 CUS005 C03 CUS011 C02 CUS011 D01 CUS005 D01 CUS005 C01 CUS011 ESEMPI DI CONFIGURAZIONI / CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES pag.99 pag.100 pag.102 pag.103 pag. 98 168

GETA 2020 GET002 rightend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET001 central90 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET004 central90rightsidetable 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET003 leftend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET004b central90leftsidetable 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET005 ottoman 90x90xHs40cm GET007b coffeetable 90x90xH14cm GET006 rightend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET007 leftend 90x90xH66,Hs40cm GET008 central130 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET009 leftend130,sidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET011 central130rightsidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET010 rightend130,sidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET012 central 130leftsidetable 130x90xH66,Hs40cm GET017 rightend2seats,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET019 central180 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET018 leftend2seats,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET020 rightend1seat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET021 leftend1seat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET022 central180, rightsidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET024 rightendlargeseat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET023 central180, leftsidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET025 leftendlargeseat,sidetable 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET026 island180,2seats 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET016 sofa180 180x90xH66,Hs40cm GET027 chaiselounge 180x90xH56,Hs40cm GET013 island130, rightsidetable 130x90xHs40cm GET014 island130, leftsidetable 130x90xHs40cm GET015 island130 130x90xHs40cm GET028 sofa230 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET029 leftend230,sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET031 2largeseats, right sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET030 rightend230,sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET032 2largeseats, left sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET033 3smallseats, right sidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET034 3smallseats, leftsidetable 230x90xH66,Hs40cm GET035 island, rightsidetable 130x90xHs40cm GET036 island, leftsidetable 130x90xHs40cm Finiturabaseetavolinoinlegno/Woodbaseandsidetablefinish frassino termotrattato heat-treated ash iroko naturale natural iroko wood pag. 108

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life MARELLA 2022 DOT easy chair 2019 MAR001 sofa 193x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR002 sofa 163x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR003 armchair 78x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR010 leftchaiselounge 153x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR004 leftend 183x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR005 eftend 153x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR006 rightend 183x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR007 rightend 153x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR008 central 173x80xH80,Hs40cm MAR009 central 143x80xH80,Hs40cm DOTF001 DOTFlatbackrest 65x65xH78,Hs42cm DOTR001 DOTRound backrest 70x63xH74,Hs42cm MAR010 leftchaiselounge 153x80xH80,Hs40cm REST sunbed 2019 RES001 single 170/190x70xH73 RES002 double 170/190x140xH73 Gambeinacciaioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedsteel legs RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey Reggi-schienaleinacciaioverniciatoapolveri Powder-coatedsteel frame RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey pag. 114 pag. 118 pag. 120 170

BUTTON sofa 2019 BUT001 roundsofa Ø185xHs40cm MVB-A04 curvedmovablebackrest 65x32xH32cm STONES pouf 2016 STO003 round Ø65xHs40cm STO004 round Ø80xHs40cm STO005 round Ø105xHs40cm STO006 round Ø130xHs40cm STO011 stoneS 68x68xHs40cm STO012 stoneL 105x68xHs40cm MVB-B03 movablebackrest 60x30xH30cm WOWs pouf 2024 DOK008 pouf Ø80xHs38cm DOK009 pouf Ø65xHs38cm MOD002 seat 90x65xHs38cm MOD006 seat 90x90xHs38cm MOD007 seat 65x90xHs38cm MOD001 seat 65x65xHs38cm pag. 122 pag. 124 pag. 130

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life 172

DISCO · VUVU · JIM · TREBLÉ · PADEL DIS001 roundtray Ø60x2cm VUV001 square 70x70xH25cm VUV002 round Ø70xH25cm DISCO round tray VUVU coffee table JIM side table JIM001 sizeM 60x60xH32cm JIM002 sizeL 72x72xH38cm TREBLÉ side table TRE001 coffeeroundtable Ø60xH40cm PAD001 servicetable 42x50xH60cm PADEL service table studiolucianobertoncini 2024 Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge RAL9001 +RAL7038 topbiancocrema/gambegrigioagata creamwhitetop/agategreylegs RAL7038 +RAL9001 topgrigioagata/gambebiancocrema agategreytop/creamwhitelegs Alluminioverniciatoapolveri /Powder-coatedaluminum RAL7038 grigioagata agategrey RAL7016 grigioantracite anthracitegrey RAL9001 biancocrema creamwhite altri colori RAL disponibili su richiesta con un sovrapprezzo del 10% / other RAL colors available on request with a 10% surcharge TavolinoJIMbicolore/BicolorJIMsidetable pag. 134

WOW Italy Our Daily Outdoor Life 174

WOW cushions match various sofa models, giving our customers the freedom to create different combinations. All of our cushions are removable. The technical sheets reveal which sofamodels already include their cushions. CUS004 boxed 60x60cm CUS005 boxed 50x50cm CUS006 boxed 45x45cm CUS011 quiltedknife-edge 60x60cm CUS001 knife-edge 60x60cm CUS002 knife-edge 50x50cm CUS003 knife-edge 55x30cm CUS009 knife-edge 60x45cm CUS007 boxedwithroll 75x50cm CUS008 boxedwithroll 65x50cm CUSHIONS GUIDE CUS012 round Ø45cm CUS013 combo 60x60cm cuscini a SAPONETTA / KNIFE-EDGE cushions cuscini QUADRATI con FASCIA / BOXED cushions cuscini con RULLO / BOXED with ROLL cushions cuscino a SAPONETTA trapuntato / quilted KNIFE-EDGE cushion cuscino TONDO / ROUND cushion cuscino COMBO / COMBO cushion IlcuscinoCOMBO,graziealsuocilindrointegrato,può essereutilizzatosiapersupportolombarecheper poggiatesta,asecondadicomevieneposizionato. TheCOMBOcushion, thankstoitsintegratedcylinder, canbeusedfor lumbarsupportorasaheadrest, dependingonitspositioning. I cuscini WOW si abbinano a diversi modelli di divano, offrendoai nostri clienti la libertàdi crearevarie combinazioni. Tutti i nostri cuscini sono sfoderabili. Nelle schede tecniche, è possibile scoprire quali modelli di divano includono già i loro cuscini.

art direction studiolucianobertoncini photography made and printed in Italy by Grafiche Peruzzo

WOW ITALY Srl Via Majorana, 10A/12 35010 Cadoneghe (PD) Italia +39 049 7359630